tks Publisher
Founded in 1983, it represents an outstanding source of information for a huge worldwide readership, which reaches scientists, researchers, universities, marketing and sales managers, CEOs. Its contents do keep up with the latest trends, products and technologies.
tks Event Organiser
Since 2008, tks is the organiser of several scientific events by going into depth of some of the hottest topics of the moment. tks takes care of it all - from the initial idea to its targeted promotion, from the speakers selection and the whole logistics management up to the very final networking occasion.
Tekno Scienze Srl
Viale Brianza 22 | 20127 Milano | Italy
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Authorization from Tribunale di Milano n. 113 of March 5th 1983. Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Milano n. 113 del 5 Marzo 1983.
All rights reserved to Tekno Scienze.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher Tekno Scienze Srl.
Associated to USPI - Unione della Stampa Periodica Italiana.
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